New York City-based Music Teachers. Private Online Music Lessons Anywhere. New York City: In-Home and Online. Any Instrument. Most popular: Guitar, Ukulele, Piano, Singing.

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The Best New York City Guitar Tutors
A variety of Guitars for Sale

January is a traditional time for New Year Resolutions. Some of them are really far out, while others are totally reasonable and doable. As a music school, we have many people – adults and children alike – tell us they would love to play an instrument. A lot of them express interest in the guitar….

Children's Choir Signs Christmas Songs

Spice Up the Holidays With New Music It’s the beginning of December and chances are you are already hearing the same old, traditional holiday songs over and over again. Now, we don’t mean to denigrate the beloved classics because to many people they represent the very essence and spirit of Christmas or Hanukkah. Having said…

Do aliens like earthly music? We don’t know for sure but we certainly hope so! We do know that the late astronomer, cosmologist, and astrophysicist Carl Sagan believed in the universal (literally) appeal of music and its power to connect terrestrial and extraterrestrial beings. Back in 1977, Dr. Sagan spearheaded the creation of Voyager Golden…