New York City-based Music Teachers. Private Online Music Lessons Anywhere. New York City: In-Home and Online. Any Instrument. Most popular: Guitar, Ukulele, Piano, Singing.

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The Best New York City Guitar Tutors

Here’s a question for you: which Brooklyn neighborhood could be described as “hip” and “cool?” If you are thinking about Williamsburg, you are right on the mark! It may not have the same long history as its Virginia namesake, but our own Williamsburg has lots to offer: a lively arts and culture scene, great restaurants,…

Blow your creative energies into a trumpet - with Manhattan music lessons

Blow your creative energies into a trumpet – with Manhattan music lessons  Think trumpet and your mind will likely conjure up images of the great playing this instrument with such skill, mastery, and passion. There were and still are many accomplished trumpeters – Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis and Wynton Marsalis among them – but for…

Be Blown Away – at New York Music School

Be Blown Away – at New York Music School “What do a saxophone and a baseball have in common? 
People cheer when you hit them with a bat!” As jokes go, this may not be the best one ever, but we thought we’d start off with a bit of levity. We would like to make…