New York City Music Lessons Won’t Give You the Blues! What color is your favorite piece of music? We are serious – different types of music evoke different hues, and many of us make emotional music-color connections based on how the various melodies make us feel. There is actually a body of research from the…
With our NYC music lessons, you’ll be ready for tricks AND treats We always talk about the benefits of music, but let’s be honest –it can be scary too! And with Halloween just around the corner, prepare to be frightened, because we will share with you some of the spookiest songs on our playlist. As…
Manhattan music lessons are even hotter in the summer! “Mom, Dad, I am BORED!” Ahhh, the sounds of summer, when school’s out and kids are footloose (and underfoot as well). How can you keep your young’uns productively busy? Good news is that New York City offers a wide variety of exciting summertime activities for youngsters of…