New York City-based Music Teachers. Private Online Music Lessons Anywhere. New York City: In-Home and Online. Any Instrument. Most popular: Guitar, Ukulele, Piano, Singing.

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The Best New York City Guitar Tutors
Hey Joe Guitar NYC guitar lessons Manhattan music school

That’s true – with our NYC guitar lessons, playing an instrument never gets old! “All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten.” Yes, you can argue that this famous quote and book title by minister and author Robert Fulghum is flawed. After all, advanced calculus or quantum physics are not your typical topics…

Hey Joe Guitar NYC music school musical instruments for children

Learn to Play – at Manhattan Music School September is here
 And so is fall. So welcome children,
 welcome all.
 I hope vacation 
was real fun
 And that you’re glad 
school has begun. -Anonymous This little ditty is a dead giveaway about this blog’s topic: it’s back to school time in New York City! We…

Hey Joe Guitar New York City piano lessons In-home music training

Strum your way to lifetime of achievements with Manhattan music lessons Does your child take to music like the proverbial duck to water, or does he / she find an excuse not to take lessons and practice in between – excuses like “the dog ate my flute,” or “a big bird flew in through my…