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Manhattan Music Lessons are a “Tasteful” Experience

January 7, 2016 - Hey Joe Guitar NYC Music School - Kids Piano Lessons - Music Education, Health and Science

Develop Preference For Manhattan Music Lessons

If you are like most people, you probably have specific tastes in music –a special affinity for a particular genre above all others. If that’s the case, have you ever wondered what sparked this preference? Why, for instance, are you partial to classical music, jazz, rock, or whatever other style is your favorite?

Very few people ever question their tastes (and, by the same token, their peeves) in music or other areas of their lives. They like what they like, and that’s it. If you ARE interested in this subject, you might want to know that, generally speaking, our musical preferences are not biologically preset (that is, genetic) but, rather, they are determined by our experiences and personality – so it’s a case of “nurture vs. nature.”

A matter of taste

Quite a few studies have been trying to discover how our musical preferences develop and evolve over the years. Researchers believe that these interests start to take root around the age of 10 or so. From then on, two different scenarios are likely to occur. If at that point children are exposed to, say, classical music , chances are they will carry the love of that genre into adulthood. It is possible that, as time goes by, they will start liking other styles of music as well, but the association in their minds of happy childhood memories with classical music will solidify that preference for the rest of their lives. A second scenario that could happen is that by the time they reach adolescence, the kids’ choice of music will align with that of their friends – after all, teenagers are prone to peer pressure. In this case, their love of heavy metal (just as an example), will supplant their former interest in the classics. Fortunately, that is likely just a phase. As we grow, explore, experiment, and develop our own personality, our tastes shift. The music we like is the kind that expresses and reflects the experiences and challenges we face at different stages of our lives. No matter what kind of music we develop a passion for, a common thread is that it is emotionally positive – in other words, it makes us feel good.

Character traits

Other research suggested that favorite music genres are closely linked to personality. In that study, 36,000 people in more than 60 countries were asked to rate a wide range of musical styles in order of preference. Then, different personality types were matched with music genres. The research showed, for instance, that blues fans are “creative, outgoing, and gentle;” jazz aficionados “have high self-esteem;” those who love classical music are “introverted;” while rock and heavy metal fans tend to have low self-esteem and not be “gentle.” Now, we hasten to add that these are just GENERAL descriptions and don’t include all the different nuances. So please take it with a grain of salt.

Perfect musical taste

At Hey Joe Guitar, our tastes include all kinds of music and a wide variety of instruments. We’ll be happy to prove it to you by sending one of our talented teachers right to your Manhattan, Brooklyn, or Riverdale home or office. The lessons will blend in perfectly with your musical tastes!

Photo by unknown, available under Creative Commons License
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