New York City-based Music Teachers. Private In-Home Manhattan and Brooklyn Music Lessons. Any Instrument. Most Popular: Guitar, Singing, Ukulele, Piano, Drums.

Benefits of Music: Hey Joe Guitar NYC Guitar School Tells (Almost) All!

September 23, 2014 - Hey Joe Guitar NYC Music School - Kids Piano Lessons - Music Education, Health and Science

Better Focus, Attention, and Mood – with Manhattan Music Lessons

Quite a few times, we shared with you the latest research about the benefit of music training.

By now we may sound like a broken record, but any time there is something new to add to this fascinating topic, we’ll jump right on it!

Maybe because the positive effects of music education are so widely known, very often parents ask us questions like: “My son is very hyper and can’t concentrate. Will playing an instrument help?” Or, “my daughter is very shy. How can music lessons help her come out of her shell?”

This is just as relevant for adults too. People of any age can benefit from music lessons because the triggers in our brain are the same.

Music can make a positive difference for all age groups. We have witnessed this phenomenon countless times and would like to share our experiences here.

Music “Therapy”

If you are the kind of person who is often distracted, music lessons can help boost your focus, self-control, as well as attention span. That’s because to play an instrument you need an alert mind, patience, and full concentration.

Also, music training requires a certain structure and discipline –for the lessons and for practice sessions in between. Your mind is focused not only on music itself, but also on the proper technique, breathing, coordination, as well as body posture.

True, if you are just starting your music training, you may not possess any of these skills, but with regular lessons you will develop each one, channeling your unbridled energy into a worthwhile and enjoyable pursuit.

Numerous Benefits

What if you are very timid? Very often, the reason behind excessive shyness is a poor self-image, as well as feelings of inferiority and insecurity.

If you fall into this category, you’ll be happy to know that music is a terrific “healer” of shyness and social ineptness. How does this work? Being able to play an instrument is a terrific self-esteem booster; it’ll give you a sense of accomplishment, something to be proud of, and maybe even brag about! What better cure for shyness can there be?

All this is very positive, but there are even more compelling reasons to start music lessons:

  • This very scien-cy article talks about a “feel-good” chemical called dopamine. Music is one of the triggers of dopamine, so it improves the mood and lifts the spirits. In other words, it makes us happy.
  • Because certain genres – including classical and jazz -have shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, music promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

Excellent Teachers at Your Service!

As you can see, music training has multiple benefits for the whole family. However, there is one “but” – a lot depends on the kind of lessons and teachers you hire. (This is as true of music, as of any other learning experience).

An excellent music instructor is not only well educated and experienced in working with people of all ages, but he or she is also patient, kind, and enthusiastic – about music and teaching.

Our Hey Joe Guitar teachers fit all these criteria – and then some. They are graduates of the top music schools and accomplished musicians in their own right. Before we send them out to your Manhattan or Brooklyn home, we make sure they are carefully vetted and able to teach the right techniques to their students, whether on the guitar, piano, flute, or any other instrument.

Contact us to setup a first lesson and see what a positive difference music lessons make in your life.

To see the positive difference music lessons have made in the lives of underprivileged children in New York City, check out our charity MusiCan.

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